- Volunteering at Three Square, the only food distribution hub in Southern Nevada
- Hanging with my brother kevin in Vegas. He’s studying Hospitalty Management at UNLV.
- The horses of Horse Haven, one of the areas of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.
- Visiting with some friends at Parrot Garden, one of the animal areas of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.
- Silky, our first sleepover puppy. Best Friends allows volunteers to take dogs to the hotels at night in order to help socialize the animals.
- A view of Escalante National Monument taken from the grounds of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.
- Sleepover dog #2, Finch.
- Puppy sleepover guest #3, Lyric
- Driving through the Rocky Mountains.
- Wildlife in the Rocky Mountain National Park.
- “Saving the ocean from a mile high” with Colorado Ocean Coalition founder Vicki Nichols Goldstein
- Visiting the Oz Museum in Wamego, Kansas, during “Oztoberfest”.
- The St. Louis arch…
- The Women’s Safe House’s Carla Falasco is a strong advocate for victims of domestic violence.
- “The Village” at the Friendship Circle of Michigan helps kids with disabilites learn the skills required for everyday interaction.
- Niagara is still falling!
- Before the boat trip under the falls…
- …and after.
- The house where my paternal grandfather grew up in Rochester, New York
- The house where my mom grew up in Stamford, Connecticut.
- Here is the Long Island Sound. We’ve officially reached the east coast!
- New York City!
- The Freedom Tower is going up on the World Trade Center site.
- Remembering the vicitms of 9/11.
- Images from “Occupy Wall Street.”
- Meeting with legislative representatives and youth policy makers.
- Honoring our fallen soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery
- The Blue Ridge Mounatains of Blacksburg, Virginia.
- Sight seeing in Atlanta.
- A visit to the Georgia Aquarium.
- In Montgomery, Alabama. The state capitol….
- …and their civil rights moument.
- Interviewing Andreas Hoffman, founder of Green Light New Orleans.
- There are still signs of devastation from hurricane Katrina in New Orlean’s 9th ward…
- …and there are signs of rebuilding.
- A visit to the French Quarter.
- a visit to the Nottoway sugar cane plantation in White Castle, Louisiana.
- There is plenty to see, do and eat on San Antonio’s Riverwalk.
- I will always remember the Alamo now that I have visited it.
- From the wide open spaces of Texas…
- …to the expansive Arizona desert.
- Back in San Diego preparing for the next leg of Do Good Adventure’s Road Trip.
- On the road again after a holiday break. Lunch at Los Angeles’ Farmer’s Market while volunteering with Lilly’s Fostering Hearts.
- A stop in Santa Barbara while driving up the stunning California coast.
- In San Francisco this week, volunteering at The Exploratorium during the day and sight-seeing in the evenings.
- After a week in Vegas with Three Square Food Bank, we are back in Kanab, Utah
- Socializing with the animals is a fun way to spend time at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary–especially when you can do it with other volunteers!
- The setting for the stables is magnificent…
- …and we even got some snow this time.
- Give Kids the World is a magical central Florida resort for kids with life-threatening illnesses and their families.
- Each building here is special. So is each guest.
- Sure enjoyed being with my brother, Kevin, while we were in Orlando..
- Flew to Seattle, Washington, from Orlando. After more than 12,500 miles of driving, we’re taking a flying lap.
- A visit to Seattle isn’t complete without a stop at the locks and fish ladder.
- On to Washington’s Olympic Peninsula and volunteering with Long Live the Kings.
- Collecting water samples with the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group.
- Planting trees in Portland.
- Back home in San Diego. Celebrating the final week of the road trip by volunteering at Words Alive. I first volunteered with this organization when I was four!
- Sorting books with Chrissy and Carter of the Words Alive staff. Feels like home! What an adventure it has been!