
Are your interested in supporting Do Good Adventure?

Now you can make a tax-deductible donation that will go directly to teen friendly non-profit organizations. 100% of donations to this fund will be given directly to  501 (c) (3) organizations to enhance their teen volunteer outreach efforts or to organizations recommended by teen contributors to this site.

Do Good Adventure is partnering with the Jewish Community Foundation, San Diego, the largest grant giving organization in San Diego County, to accept tax-deductible donations.

Donating is easy. Just click on the “Donate Now” button, fill out the form–don’t forget to designate “Do Good Adventure Fund” from the drop-down menu–and submit.

Donate Now

If you’d rather send a check, please make it out to “Do Good Adventure Fund”, and mail it to Do Good Adventure, 6336 Greenwich Drive, Suite D, San Diego, California, 92122.

Thank you for your support!